Safe@Work once again conducts driver training in Africa
Safe@Work has since the company was founded in 2015, always worked hard to improve climate and security, both locally and globally. Through our social efforts together with the UN & Gold Standard, we have contributed with resources to more than 15 local climate projects in Rwanda, Cambodia, Chad and Brazil. At the same time, together with Unicef, we have helped more than 3 500 children in crisis affected areas to attend at school through equipment & 13 portable schools.
Traffic deaths – The world’s most common cause of death for people between the ages of 5-29 world-wide.
Now we have taken one more step to reduce the world’s most common cause of death among the age group 5-29 years. The deaths in road traffic are increasing in the poorer part of the world, the risk of being killed in a traffic accident is almost 3 times higher in Africa than in Europe. This spring, Safe@Work once again went down to Western Africa to train local drivers in road safety.
How to spread a global road safety progress, but still adapted to local conditions
Our goal is to help on site and spread a safe mindset adapted to the local conditions. At present, we reach out to a small part of the drivers around the world, but if we can be the difference that saves a single life, then we feel that our effort is worth it. We also hope that our recurring international assignments can give more organizations an idea of what we can achieve together.
Global assignments
Our instructors have immense experience and expertise from international assignments, both from missions towards private sectors and for authorities/governments all around the world. With a great curiosity we are looking forward to helping your organization create a safe work environment no matter what place on the earth. We are currently conducting several assignments to assist organizations in the management for a safe and prosperous workplace.
Our most important mission is to make it easy for organizations to be responsible and safe. Our instructors have a long experience of safety-enhancing and risk-prevention in all parts of the world, which is why we never limit our range geographically.
Let us help you to a safe and prosperous workplace
Call us now at: +468-622 57 00 Or send an email to:
Safe@Work – More than just training
In the foreseeable future, Safe@Works’ international presence will be further strengthened through a wide range of security solutions and risk management. With both security personnel and healthcare professionals trained for various high-risk assignments we have the competence to assist organizations in all different environments, worldwide. The offer will range from risk analyses and crisis management, to air-transport of sick or injured employees.
Contact us today if you would like to know more in how we can help your organization.