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Emergency call to 112 – What to keep in mind when calling for help?

av | nov 2, 2019 | News | 0 Kommentarer

An article series on emergency calls to 112 & other emergency numbers – Part 2

SOS alarm in Sweden receives more than 8,000 calls a day to the emergency number, 112. Two-thirds of the calls concern real emergencies that require urgent action.

In this two-part article series, you will find out which telephone numbers to use in case of an emergency in Sweden or anywhere in Europe for that matter. In the articles you will also gain important knowledge that you may benefit from, if you are forced to call 112. You will receive tips on how to practice emergency calls with your children so that they also know how & when to call 112 for help.

In part 1 of the article series you will read more about which numbers there is to the emergency service in Sweden & when not to call 112.

What is important to know when making an emergency call?

If you are calling 112 you are probably facing a situation where every second can be crucial. In order for the SOS operator to alert the correct units as quickly as possible, and to the correct position, it is necessary that you as a caller have a calm and responsive presence. In this article, we want to give you an opportunity for preparation.

Since the operator quickly wants to know what resource he or she needs to send, your call will be answered directly with a question:

Emergency Operator: ”SOS Alarm what has happened?”

Try to remain calm and to be as distinct as possible. Do your best to describe the following:

  1. What has happened
  2. Where it has happened
  3. Who and how many needs help
  4. In what way do they need help?

The caller/You: “A car that has driven off the road on the E4 heading north. I am not sure exactly where we are, but we have passed Stockholm, Arlanda Airport 20 minutes ago. There are three people in the car, two seem to be unconscious and one is awake but bleeding heavily. ”

What questions does the operator now got answered?

  1. What has happened:
    • Your answer: It is a car that has driven off the road
  2. Where it has happened:
    • Your answer: E4 heading north, 20 minutes north of Stockholm, Arlanda Airport.
  3. Who and how many needs help:
    • Your answer: There are three people in the car
  4. In what way do they need help?
    • Your answer: 2 are unconscious and one is bleeding heavily

What does the SOS operator need to know during a 112 call?

While the assistance is on the way, the SOS operator may need to ask more questions to prepare the emergency resources that are on the way. Some of these questions may feel unimportant to you right then and there. But remember two things:

  1. Help is already on the way

The alarm operator has a colleague who hears the entire call, it is he or she who has contact with the rescue personnel. The alarm operator speaking to you, can therefore have full focus on getting the best overall picture possible. Read more about alarm calls & what happens in the background

  1. The question may feel unimportant to you right then and there. But the information can still be crucial in saving lives.

Information about road conditions, if the accident has occurred in a curve, or if someone has been able to put out a warning triangle can feel unimportant when someone is unconscious. But the information can be absolutely crucial to prevent more people from being injured in a consequential accident.

First on the scene of a traffic accident

If you spend a lot of time on the road, there is a great risk that you someday will be the first one to arrive to a scene of an incident. Your efforts can then be vital. In this article, we give you important & tangible tips on how to save lives before rescue personnel are in place. (Länk till artikel)

Do you and your colleagues want to be even more prepared? With the training course: First on the scene of an accident, you will gain tremendously useful knowledge on how to save lives without putting yourself or other road users at risk.

What traffic rules apply to the emergency drivers sent out when you call 112?

As an emergency driver on the way to a traffic accident, full focus on the driving is required. At the same time, they need to be mentally prepared in order to act immediately upon arrival at the scene of the accident. Therefore, the caller has an important part of preparing the rescue personnel and thereby enabling a quick interaction. In this series of articles, (Länk till artikel 1) you can read more about what challenges an emergency driver faces & what rules apply.

About Safe@Work

Safe@Work is an educational organizer who helps organizations creating a safe & prosperous work environment. Each year, we help thousands of people minimize the risks through quality training & equipment.

Courses with focus on saving lives & First Aid

Safe@Work has some of the most knowledgeable & experienced course leaders in the country. The instructors have many years of experience both as rescue personnel and as trainers. In a pedagogical way, they ensure that all participants receives vital knowledge, always tailored to the each participant’s prerequisites and capabilities.

Examples of some of the courses:

  • Fire Safety Training
  • Evacuation drill
  • CPR training
  • Driver training and First Aid