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How to prevent accidents at work?

av | nov 5, 2018 | News | 0 Kommentarer

As an employer, one responsibility overshadows most others – The task to guarantee a safe workplace, for all employees. How to prevent accidents at work? Safe@Work can provide the necessary knowledge and tools to minimize the risk of occupational injuries and accidents.

A lot has happened since the 1950s. In fact, fatal accidents at Swedish workplaces have decreased by as much as 90%. On average, 1 in every 100,000 people suffer a fatal accident at work and 1 in 500 a serious work accident. A serious accident at work in this context is considered a work accident that required more than 14 days of sick leave.

The Swedish Work Environment Authority’s vision Zero

The development may seem positive and travelling in the right direction. But, every work accident with a fatal outcome is nothing but an unacceptable failure. To prevent a person from losing their life in a work accident, the Swedish Work Environment Authority has stated a vision zero.

Through preventive measures, research and proven methods, fatal and occupational accidents in all industries must be prevented and stopped. At present, the construction sector, forestry and agriculture, the manufacturing industry, transport and warehousing are industries that are particularly vulnerable. For example, about 50% of all fatal accidents are vehicle related.

Everyone benefits from knowing how to prevent accidents at work

The vision zero has meant higher demands on both employers and employees to work proactively to prevent occupational accidents. A set of requirements that according to studies has proven to be profitable for both employers, employees and society in big.

According to statistics from Occupational and Environmental Medicine in Lund, Sweden, all parties benefits from a functioning work environment management. Good preventive work against occupational accidents contributes to lower costs for employers and society over time, as well as a more prosperous workforce.

Preventive work – make a detailed risk assessment

An effective way to avoid accidents at work is to carefully evaluate the potential risks that exist at the workplace in question. Safe@Work has developed a web-based risk analysis that easily, resource-efficiently and affordably maps the company’s various danger zones.

Initially, a risk inventory is made where each employee, based on their unique work role, can answer a number of relevant questions. The answers then serve as a basis for the risk analysis, whose conclusions in the next phase are transformed into a concrete action plan that the company can follow to reduce the number of work accidents.

Our comprehensive risk analysis simplifies the systematic work environment management, leads to safer workplaces and help the employer not to spend money on unnecessary measures.

Interested to know more about how to prevent accidents at work? Read more about Safe@Works web-based tools for risk analysis.