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Vital knowledge of how to save lives in case of a fire

Fires causes great damage to people and property every day. We therefore want to give you some of our most valuable tips on how to minimize the risks of a fire arising by having well-functioning fire protection. But we will also hand out tips in how to think and act...

Valuable tips on how to avoid fires at home & in the workplace

Fires causes great damage to people and property every day. We therefore want to give you some of our most valuable tips on how to minimize the risks of a fire arising by having well-functioning fire protection. But we will also hand out tips in how to think and act...

What is the emergency number in Sweden, and the rest of Europe?

An article series on emergency calls to 112 & other emergency numbers – Part 1 SOS alarm in Sweden receives more than 8,000 calls a day to the emergency number, 112. Two-thirds of the calls concern real emergencies that require urgent action. In this...